The Global Education and Occident Statecraft Enterprise provides professional education, advanced courses, briefings and training “on demand” on strategic topics for statecraft and security.

GEOS Enterprise has developed an in-depth expertise in the security and intelligence industries based on our expert’s long-term involvement in these sectors and relationships with leading international consulting firms and organizations. This unique expertise enables Geos Enterprise to involve the finest companies in intelligence analysis, security and professional training, we deliver world class services and tailor-made solutions reflective of the particular challenges faced by political, security and socioeconomic changes to:

  • Leaders and political authorities, to assist them in framing, manage, use and control organizations responsible for intelligence, security and strategic communication;
  • Specialized government and non-government organizations (intelligence, police, military, strategic infrastructure administrations, environment, aviation, etc.), to support and train their staff;
  • Local institutions, in support of security and socioeconomic development;
  • Media and communication experts, analysts, students, to enable them to have a comprehensive knowledge of scenarios, trends, realities and principles of operation which have significant implications on international affairs and security;
  • Industries, corporate, decision makers of small and large scale organizations, businesses and professionals seeking to protect sensitive assets, information, intellectual property and know-how from their competitors, crime and international terrorism.


To better meet your needs, our involvement can take various forms, with frontal and / or online:


  • Awareness conferences and lectures
  • Intensive Executive courses (1-2 days)
  • Specialized workshops and seminars (4-6 days)
  • Diploma and Master courses (in partnership with famous universities)
  • Specialized training courses
  • Cyber Arena simulator
  • Flight simulator


Master degree courses

University Diploma Statecraft, Security & Strategic Intelligence” in partnership with Unitelma Sapienza – Università di Roma (Facoltà di Scienze della Pubblica Amministrazione e Sicurezza – Campus Città del Sapere – Polo di Napoli).

Intelligence and Security Programs


  • Introduction to Intelligence (basic theoretical knowledge)
  • Introduction to Competitive Intelligence
  • Evaluation and intelligence analysis
  • The orientation of the information and control research
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and International Security
  • Intelligence, counter-intelligence, influence, deception
  • Intelligence dominance
  • Counter-espionage
  • Research by agents
  • Operational research contactless
  • Search “open sources” and the potential of electronic information (internet, databases, software)
  • The Technical Research (eavesdropping and interception)
  • Remote sensing and image analysis
  • The clandestine actions (political, psychological, economic, violent)
  • Cryptology
  • Digital forensics
  • International developments of geo-economics and new forms of trade confrontation
  • National policies to facilitate business access to international markets
  • Methods of economic and industrial espionage (plays, manipulation, etc.) and how to protect industrial secrets and intellectual property
  • The new aggressive strategies of economic competition (destabilization and neutralization of competition)
  • Main methods of economic warfare (through actual operations illustrations)
  • New risks related to the security burden on businesses: crime, fraud, trafficking, counterfeiting, corruption, sects
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Counter-Terrorism Programs

  • Ways to fight against money laundering and terrorist financing (banks and financial institutions)
  • The dangers associated with the development of radical Islam
  • Terror Threat, challenge and its impacts
  • The new forms of subversion and contestation
  • Understanding and contrasting radicalization
  • The lone wolf terrorism

Advanced courses on:

  • terrorism strategies
  • global Jihad and radical Islam
  • State-sponsored terrorism
  • suicidal terrorism
  • bio-terrorism
  • terrorism and technology
  • counter-terrorism strategies and challenges for homeland security
  • insurgency and counter insurgency
  • cyber terrorism dimension – strategies & capabilities: the State level, the commercial free market and individuals.
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Programs related to “Organized Crime”

  • Criminal analysis techniques and profiling
  • Borders security
  • The dark side of the web, the new criminals and their classification
  • Cyber threats (cyber espionage, cyber crime, cyber terrorism, info-warfare)
  • Overview of cyber-warfare doctrines. Governmental and intergovernmental strategies against “non State actors”
  • Digital investigations on big data, bots, cryptocurrencies and blockchains and related crimes
  • Advanced courses on the main international illicit trafficking: narcotic substances, doping, biological, weapons, human beings, illegal migratory flows, trafficking of women and children, counterfeit products, toxic waste, CFC, dual use materials and products.
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Cyber Arena Simulators

GEOS Enterprise organizes advanced cyber training “Simulation of Cyber Desk” classes with on-site training providing the use of the “Cyber Arena simulator”, a platform suited for small and large-scale organizations, military, police units, government departments, universities, colleges, education centers which are concerned about maintaining a secure IT environment. The program provides simulations at different levels of complexity and is constantly updated to reflect current threats.

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Aviation Courses and Flight Simulators

  • Aviation security
  • Aviation safety
  • Human Resources management
  • Disaster resilience
  • CBT
  • Type Rating
  • CCQ
  • Revalidation/Renewal
  • Recurrent training
  • Airline screening preparation
  • LVO
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