• Introduction to Intelligence (basic theoretical knowledge)
  • Introduction to Competitive Intelligence
  • Evaluation and intelligence analysis
  • The orientation of the information and control research
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and International Security
  • Intelligence, counter-intelligence, influence, deception
  • Intelligence dominance
  • Counter-espionage
  • Research by agents
  • Operational research contactless
  • Search “open sources” and the potential of electronic information (internet, databases, software)
  • The Technical Research (eavesdropping and interception)
  • Remote sensing and image analysis
  • The clandestine actions (political, psychological, economic, violent)
  • Cryptology
  • Digital forensics
  • International developments of geo-economics and new forms of trade confrontation
  • National policies to facilitate business access to international markets
  • Methods of economic and industrial espionage (plays, manipulation, etc.) and how to protect industrial secrets and intellectual property
  • The new aggressive strategies of economic competition (destabilization and neutralization of competition)
  • Main methods of economic warfare (through actual operations illustrations)
  • New risks related to the security burden on businesses: crime, fraud, trafficking, counterfeiting, corruption, sects
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