La Guerra Ibrida della Russia

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Giugno 2024

La Russia si è attivata per condurre operazioni di influenza in Occidente ricorrendo ad azioni di sabotaggio e di terrorismo?

In caso di attività di sabotaggio della Russia in UE, la NATO potrebbe ricorrere all’Articolo 5 del Trattato?

L’intervento di Francesco D’Arrigo, direttore dell’istituto di studi strategici “Niccolò Machiavelli”.

La guerra ibrida della Russia

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Cosa si dice nell’Ue e nella Nato delle parole di Macron sull’invio di truppe in Ucraina

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Marzo 2024

Le dichiarazioni di Macron sulla possibilità di inviare truppe in Ucraina provocano reazioni controverse tra i partner europei e gli alleati Nato.

L’analisi di Francesco D’Arrigo, direttore dell’Istituto Italiano di Studi Strategici “Niccolò Machiavelli”.

Cosa si dice nell’Ue e nella Nato delle parole di Macron sull’invio di truppe in Ucraina

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Tutti gli effetti delle parole di Papa Francesco su Ucraina, Israele e non solo

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Marzo 2024

Esercitare pressioni sui governi occidentali per soprassedere agli eccidi della Russia e di Hamas, criticare di fatto il presidente ucraino Zelensky e il governo democraticamente eletto di Israele rappresentano forme di influenza che potrebbero comportare conseguenze devastanti per le democrazie e per la pace in Europa ed i Medioriente. L’intervento di Francesco D’Arrigo, direttore dell’Istituto Italiano di Studi Strategici “Niccolò Machiavelli”.

Tutti gli effetti delle parole di Papa Francesco su Ucraina, Israele e non solo

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Marzo 2024

The Italian Institute of Strategic Studies “Niccolò Machiavelli” and GEOS Enterprise will participate, and are looking forward to joining you in Warsaw, at Combat Engineer & Logistics 2024, organised with the support of the British Army and NATO.

Given the conflict that is raging in Ukraine, the relevance of this event is undeniable. The hostilities have re-emphasised the importance of military engineering and logistics in enabling effective warfighting, and the threat posed by Russia has seen NATO nations commit to reinforcement of the eastern flank.

In addition to these significant talking points, attendees will also have the opportunity to discuss lessons learnt, operational feedback, procurement programmes and future capabilities with an audience of over 1200 international delegates from 50+ nations.

Furthermore, there will be a joint exhibition which will be occupied by the leading industry companies from both the engineering and logistics domains, and this space will host all of the networking sessions for both communities.

You are welcome to join us at this unique conference in Warsaw, where we will illustrate how Italian scientific research, know-how and technology can improve Defence, presenting two of our patented platforms:

(1) M-BEAR – Multirole Battlefield Extraction Assist Robotics – a multi-role, multi-domain, dual-use UGV with natural and/or radio-controlled autonomous guidance, designed for immediate rescue operations and casualty evacuations (MEDEVAC) in military scenarios and/or natural and man-made disasters, capable of operating in bio-containment configuration in CBRN contaminated areas, which can be equipped with an invisibility bulletproof shield effect and declutterable.

M-BEAR can also be used to fulfill several roles simultaneously, in different military and civilian scenarios, such as:

  • logistics – for transporting medicine, materials, personnel, etc.;
  • Intelligence – as an environmental monitoring platform (physical and/or safety and security) through innovative sensor equipment.

(⁕B stands also for: Biocontainment, Biosecurity, Biological Warfare, Bionic).

(2) AdHaptic DefenseAdvanced Haptic Defense Technology – our revolutionizing industrial safety training platform, leveraging haptic feedback to better prepare users for risky scenarios, playing a fundamental role in simulation, replicating natural interactions realistic VR environments, enhancing the effectiveness of the training, maintenance, first aid assistance, teleoperation of manipulative robots, UAVs & UGVs based Air-Land unmanned systems for defence & security applications, and much more.

Join us at Defense Leaders for in-depth discussions on the strategic issues and innovations shaping the fututre of defence.
12-14 March
EXPO XXI Exibition Centre, Warsaw – Poland



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